Alain Robert (aka the French Spiderman) is one of the most, if not the most, talented rock climber of his generation. He became famous outside of the climbing circles in the mid-90s for his building escalations, which earned him more than a few jail stints. Further to various unfortunate accidents, Alain Robert now has an official 60% disability status (!) and yet his enthusiasm for the sport is still intact. This book is the story of his life (and what a life!), his unwavering determination to overcome even the most difficult routes, and his passion for rock climbing. From early teenage climbs in the Verdon Canyon to the Petronas Towers in KL, you will embark on a detailed journey of each climb, the preparation, the anxiety, the unexpected obstacles and the joy of the final victory, sprinkled with witty observations from the author and quite a few hilarious moments. Alain Robert truly has an original outlook on life, and mainstream he certainly isn’t. One of the stories he recounts in the book is how Loik Le Floch-Prigent (then CEO of Elf Aquitaine, since then jailed for embezzlement) pursued him through the courts for years after Alain scaled the Elf tower in Paris la Defense – how could this guy possibly not be touched by the beauty and poetry of Alain’s endeavours ? A society whose leaders have lost their capacity to dream is doomed… can Spiderman rescue us ?